Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Good Marriage Illustration

A good marriage can be compared to water. Water is in every living thing on earth, it's refreshing and helps create new life.

Jehovah took two highly flammable atoms, hydrogen and oxygen and combined them to create H2O or water. Hydrogen or oxygen can create or sustain a fire but as water, they put the fire out. A good marriage, like water, is refreshing and calming. Water can be turned in to steam or ice, but it always returns to water. Sometimes a marriage can be a little heated or a little chilly, but it should always stay a marriage.

For hydrogen & oxygen to become water, it has to be the right combination. Hydrogen takes the lead and there are two hydrogen atoms for one oxygen atom. Hydrogen is the head and oxygen is in subjection. If the oxygen wanted to be equal to hydrogen in the arrangement, it creates H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide instead of water. Full strength hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizer and will cause combustion if it contacts organic material. It can cause a leather glove to burst into flames. If a wife rejects the headship arrangement and wants to be equal to her husband, everything they touch will go up in flames. As an oxidizer, their relationship can cause an ordinary situation to spontaneously combust.

If the hydrogen or husband gives up his headship, hydrogen & oxygen would create HO2 which is a super oxidizer and is destroying the ozone layer. As a radical molecule it is very destructive. If a husband gives up the headship and the wife takes the lead, it is destructive, their environment is destroyed.

As long as hydrogen and oxygen complement each other and maintain their proper roles, they are cool, calm, life sustaining water.

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