Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Return To The Shepherd Of Your Souls


I went to the convention today-

My appetite whet and ready;

Craving for spiritual sustenance-

A diet that's strong and steady.

Before me, I spread my utensils

For my plate was my writing pad;

Two new pens were my fork and my spoon-

Heart ready to be filled with glad!

I wrote with such fervent endeavor-

Hoping to catch each expression;

Encouragement came by the spoonfuls;

Comfort for those with depression.

"Return to the Shepherd of Your Souls!"

Resounded the brother on cue;

Pleadings emanating from his heart-

Calling out to me and to you.

His words were sincere and endearing;

He expressed how our God must feel

When one has not lost the truth, itself-

But more likely have lost their zeal.

He begged for all who have left the Truth

"Return to the God you once knew!"

Imploring of each inactive soul-

Their love for Jehovah, renew.

As I looked around at the faces,

I lay my pen down on my pad;

Tears streamed from ones who had lost dear souls-

My own heart became filled with sad.

As the talk came to its fruition,

The brother quivered with every word;

He openly wept as he pleaded

In hopes that Jah's feelings were heard.

He assured each and every person

Who've slacked off serving God above-

Showing them from his very own Word

How much He and His Son do love!

Sobs could be heard from ones that were touched;

More hugs shared than I can discuss;

All were encouraged to help such ones

To find their way back home to us!

1 comment:

Rosanna said...

My Dear Sister
How Jehovah loves us to plead for all of us to remember our dedication to Him and to make needed changes to have a close relationship with Him. What a loving, caring, compassionate God we serve. How wonderful it will be as ones who have strayed return to their Christian family and especially to Jehovah. Those tears of distress and pain will becomes ones of joy and happiness. Our congregation has seen several return to Jehovah in the last few months and how our hearts swell with joy at having them with is again.
Your Sister

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