Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy Folks

In this world of trouble, strife and woe,
Where there Is sighing and misery wherever you go,
This thought, no doubt has come to your mind,
“Can there be happy folks in a world of this kind?”
There is such a people, you’ll be glad to know,
You will meet each day wherever you go.
What do you suppose makes these people glad,
While others are mourning and feeling so sad?
They have a glad message of comfort to bring,
They receive such a message from Jehovah their King.
With joy in their hearts, on their lips a glad song,
They waste not a moment, but hurry along.
With a bag in their hand, they walk down the street,
Looking like other folks you chance to meet.
To say they are happy, to you may seem queer,
For as they call on people this they do hear:
“A message for answer the phone.”
“I’m the only one here, so nobody’s home.”
“We’re out of a job, I’m sorry to say.”
“Can’t give you the time, I’m too busy today.”
Then back of the curtain, they see someone peek,
I know what you have, you were here last week.”
Another will say, “My Bible is enough.”
“I belong to a church, don’t want that stuff.”
We can’t be bothered. We haven’t the time.”
“We’re on relief and haven’t a dime.”
“Can’t come to the door, I’m sickin bed.”
“Just came from a funeral, my uncle is dead.”
Some will say, “Oh, why are we pestered?”
“Kindly move on, we’re not interested!”
“A message for me?  Well, I’d have sworn
I knew all about it before you were born.”
From a second story window, someone will say,
“Vot is you vant? Na, nodding today.”
“My grocer Is waiting, I’m scrubbing the floor.”
“I’m baking a cake,” and bang goes the door!
With all these excuses and many abuses,
You get to wondering, why they keep on!
Yet this very fact, you won’t understand
Unless you in time become one of their throng
Then again as they go, they hear some say,
“Won’t you please step inside, It’s quite cold today.”
“Oh yes, I’ve heard this message before.
Have some of the books and glad to get more!”
So here and there they find some that are meek,
They are the ones who are Jehovah’s sheep.
How their hearts do rejoice to hear someone express,
“What a wonderful work, I wish you success!”
With joy in their hearts, on their lips a glad song,
Giving praises to Jehovah, they hurry along.
They never weary his praises to sing.
They follow their leader, Jesus Christ their King.

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