Thursday, August 9, 2012

How Much Is that Seat at the Kingdom Hall Worth?

Price of your seat at the Kingdom Hall

A circuit overseer gave an awesome talk during the portion, "Giving Attention to the Needs of the Circuit." He talked about meeting attendance.

He asked: "How much would you pay for a seat at a world-class opera? How much would you pay for a seat at a popular music concert? How much money would you pay for a seat in one of the world's finest educational institutes?" He went on to compare how much many people pay just for a chair so they can be in places they want to be.

Then, he asked: "What about your seat at the Kingdom Hall? Can you put a price tag on it? God's Word says 'Yes'!" He went on to read Acts 20:28, which gives counsel to overseers about 'paying attention to yourselves and to all the flock...' Then, it mentions 'the congregation, which was bought with the blood of God's Son, Christ Jesus.' He lowered his Bible.

Then, he said forcefully: "What's the price now? If there was a price tag on your seat at the Kingdom Hall, it would say 'the blood of God's Son, Christ Jesus.'  He highlighted the fact that anywhere else, a seat with a high price would never be empty.  But in the Kingdom Hall, why then, with such a high price, are so many seats without people in them?

He concluded by reminding us: "Your seat at the Kingdom Hall has been reserved especially for YOU. And the blood of Christ Jesus is responsible. And with such a high price tag, please don't let it be empty."

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