Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to Build a House...

A house of "Confidence" that is...

What is the first thing on a house that gets destroyed in a storm?

The roof.

Now let's build our house, a house of Confidence, the foundation is the Christ. What are the four walls?
1st wall is Prayer.

2nd wall is Personal Study.

3rd wall is Daily Bible Reading.

4th wall is Field Service.

Now let's put on the roof.
The roof is our Meeting Attendance.

Now that we've built our house of Confidence, here comes the storms, storms of persecution as varied as can be. Unfortunately, the first thing to go during these storms is our meeting attendance, then once that roof is gone, then one by one our "walls" start collapsing around us, and eventually our foundation, Christ is no longer a solid basis for our house of "Confidence." How did this all happen, by not protecting our roof, our Meeting Attendance.
Guard it!
Cherish it!
Do not neglect it!

1 comment:

Un Intercambio De Estimulo said...

This was such a nice illustration and at the same time, a very powerful one.

Thank you dear sister for sharing with us.

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