Sunday, February 17, 2013

Why We Should Take Notes At The Meetings

This let's us know that even our little children listen at the meetings. 

It also teaches us the importance of taking our children to the meetings from infancy.


Why we should take notes at the meeting!
A little girl and her family were on their way to the Kingdom Hall. 

Halfway into the trip, the little girl all but shouted:
"STOP! We have to go back home!"

After settling down from the sudden outburst from the back seat, the father responded: "Why? What's wrong, Honey?"

"Dad, we HAVE to go home now. We just HAVE to!"

Seeing the concern in her eyes, and a little tear forming in the corner, he said:"Okay, little one, we will......we will. Can you please tell me why?" 

With a brief sigh of relief, she exclaimed, "Because I forgot my notebook." 

The father and mother smiled to each other. "Oh, I see.  Well, that's okay.
You can....."

"No, it's NOT, Daddy!" the little girl interrupted, choking back her tears that were beginning to well up in her eyes.

"Don't you remember, Daddy? The story of the people of Noah's day? 

Remember, they took no notes and the flood came and swept them all away!"

Contributed by Sister Rosanna

Thank you dearly sister!

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