Monday, July 9, 2012

Morning worship discussion

 (One morning in Bethel)

We are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ.—2 Cor. 10:5.

Bro. Lett was the chairman this morning. As you're aware the text for this morning had to do with keep testing whether you are in the faith." Br. Lett used a very good illustration that can easily help us to remember things to be mindful of when it comes to our spirituality but also that helps us to see the importance of regularly making an examination of ourselves. He used an example that most of us are familiar with, and that is routine checks that we perform on our automobiles. There were 9 checks:

There were 9 checks:

 1 - Check Drive-train Operation - The drive-train (power-train) consists of a group of components that generate power in a motor vehicle (e.g. Engine, transmission, drive shafts, etc.) Just as checking the drive train on a vehicle is essential to ensuring that the engine continues to operate smoothly, so it is with checking our spiritual drive-train. We should examine within ourselves 'what motivates me to perform deeds of Godly devotion'? Our love for Jehovah can be likened to a car's engine. Is Your love for Jehovah stronger than ever? Just like a broken drive-train in a vehicle can render it unusable, if our service to Jehovah is motivated properly by love, our service to him can be invaluable.

2 - Check Brake Operation - Brakes on a car stop us from going where we don't want to go. In a spiritual sense, our hatred for what is bad should stop us from doing anything that might harm our relationship with Jehovah. Are we developing a true hatred for what Jehovah hates and what he views as offensive? Ps. 97:10

3 - Check Exhaust - Car exhaust is related to fuel intake and consumption. Improper fuel can cause the exhaust to emit harmful pollution. Likewise, what we feed our minds on has a direct relation to our speech and conduct. Does my speech and conduct harmonize with the principles within God's word in imitation of Him and Jesus? Eph 5:3,
4 - Check horn - The horn is used to alert or give warnings to others. Are we as alert as ever to sound the warning to others in the ministry and in the congregation?

5 - Check exterior lights and lenses - At Matt. 5:14-16, Jesus said that his followers are the "light of the world." So we let our light shine brightly? Do others see in us as difference in our conduct and actions as opposed to the worlds?

6 - Replace filters - We need to filter our minds against the destructive and immoral spirit of the world.( He used the expression "unholy spirit" the spirit promoted by Satan and his system).

7 - Check turn signals and backup lights - Are our intentions clear, our goals and objectives clearly seen and visible to others that we are working towards them?

8 - Check warning =Indicator lights - Our conscience! Does our conscience alert us of dangerous thoughts and patterns of ourselves that we need to work on? Are we heeding those warnings or are we ignoring them?

9 - Check windshield and wiper/washer operation - Are we keeping our view of blessings of the new world clear? Is the hope real to us? The literal Greek word for hope means "to wait eagerly and to expect good." The hope of God's kingdom should be more than just something we think about from time to time, but =should influence the way we live our lives now!

All good reminders for us. Lately a lot of the talks have been geared towards helping us to see the importance of examining our spirituality. Even within a spiritual paradise such as Bethel we can lose our zeal and our love for Jehovah can weaken. It was commented that, even though Adam and Eve were in a literal paradise and could see all around them evidence of Jehovah's blessings and favor, this didn't result in them automatically deepening their love and appreciation for Jehovah. So today, how much more important is it for us that we really take the time to strengthen the bond that we have with our heavenly father.

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