Thursday, July 26, 2012

What a Beautiful Video

This is a lovely little girl reciting a few scriptures in Spanish.  Even if you don't know Spanish, I believe you will enjoy it.

Friday, July 13, 2012

How Do Birds Find Food In Winter

Out of the mouth of children and sucklings you have found strength

Ideas for Responding to Conversation Stoppers

Sleeping Ducks


Duck Feet

 Try putting your feet in icy water

How Birds Keep From Freezing In Winter

Our Transparent Corneas


Every part of the eye is amazing

Why We See Through Glass and Not Wood

How was 'Superman' able to see through walls?

Those "Pesky" Flies

Even flies have a purpose in life

Our Amazing Bones!


Will The World End This December?

How Big Is The Universe?

France must return 4.6 mn euros to Jehovah's Witne

France must return almost 4.6 million euros it seized from Jehovah's Witnesses for taxes on donations, the European Court of Human Rights ruled Thursday

Monday, July 9, 2012

Morning worship discussion

 (One morning in Bethel)

We are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ.—2 Cor. 10:5.

Bro. Lett was the chairman this morning. As you're aware the text for this morning had to do with keep testing whether you are in the faith." Br. Lett used a very good illustration that can easily help us to remember things to be mindful of when it comes to our spirituality but also that helps us to see the importance of regularly making an examination of ourselves. He used an example that most of us are familiar with, and that is routine checks that we perform on our automobiles. There were 9 checks:

There were 9 checks:

Can a Bumblebee Fly?

Can a bumblebee fly?

 That was the question the District Overseer asked a group of pioneers in the pioneer meeting.

"Can a bumblebee Fly"? Of course most of the audience thought for a minute then all nodded "yes". Then he said that actually they can not according to scientist. Everything about the bumblebee-it's shape, body weight compared to it's ultra light wings, indicates that it should not be able to fly at all.

So, why does the bumblebee fly?

The Bible and Your Hand - Illustrati​on

 During a public talk the speaker used the Bible and our hands as an illustration of how important the 5 meetings are. 

His illustration went like this...